【样册P75】SHA型 低频可调弹簧减振器
上海淞江云顶集团·3118acm集团有限公司官方网站电子样册栏目为介绍:【样册P75】SHA型 低频可调弹簧减振器信息,该产品主要适用于座式风机、卧式水泵侧面托浮式减振方式,高度可调节,方便调水平,以下是样册参数介绍。

SHA type spring damper characteristics:
1, the body material is ductile iron.
2, special structure design, according to the actual need to adjust the height.
3, appearance of strong, easy to install; used for mechanical shock.
4, spring heat treatment, ED rust, paint or spray treatment.
5、荷重挠度25mm 30mm 40mm 能有效消除机械振动。
5、25mm30mm40mm can eliminate the load deflection of mechanical vibration.
SHA spring shock absorber has the characteristics ofconvenient installation, etc., the lower end of thevibration damper and screw hole, the upper end ofthe spring has a high degree of adjustment nut,can be adjusted according to the need to adjustthe height of the installationAt both ends of thevibration device has a lateral rubber damping, increasing the damping coefficient of the vertical, and improving thevertical and horizontal stiffness, to ensure that the device can run more safely.
以上【样册P75】SHA型 低频可调弹簧减振器信息来源于上海淞江云顶集团·3118acm集团有限公司官方网站,如需了解更多减振器信息请点击:弹簧云顶集团·3118acm查询,欢迎新老客户到我厂实地参观考察,电话:021-33666667。