【样册P73】SHM型 可调式弹簧减振器 Adjustable spring shock absorber
上海淞江云顶集团·3118acm集团有限公司官方网站电子样册栏目为您介绍:【样册P73】SHM型 可调式弹簧减振器 Adjustable spring shock absorber信息,淞江集团为中央空调冷水机组设计一款专用的弹簧减振器产品,它可以完美的吸收冷水机组75%的震动,以下电子样册介绍。

1, spring with low frequency value design, andafter spray treatment, good weatherability,good shockproof effect.
2, top, bottom are the use of non slip resistantrubber and fixed bolt, the safety performanceis greatly improved.
3, the installation is simple and according tothe actual need to adjust the level and height.
4, can effectively isolated cold water units,cooling tower, heat pump units, power generation units, such as large-scalepower equipment vibration, and protect andextend its.Note: -1 is a set of springs, -2 is thecombination of the two groups of springs, -4s of springs, -9 for the combination of ninegroups of springs.
以上【样册P73】SHM型 可调式弹簧减振器 Adjustable spring shock absorber信息来源于上海淞江云顶集团·3118acm集团有限公司官方网站,如需了解更多减振器信息请点击:弹簧云顶集团·3118acm查看,欢迎新老客户到我厂实地参观考察,电话:021-33666667。